Diploma in Teaching IELTS
Accredited by

This is our Diploma in Teaching IELTS course for teachers of English as a Foreign Language. This course will provide you with the perfect tools to successfully coach your students through the IELTS exam.
The course was designed by Frisby College, using 25 years' experience in preparing students for the IELTS exam and passing on our knowledge to teachers around the world. It was co-written by an IELTS examiner and contains lots of tips for you to pass on to your students.
This course addresses all four disciplines of the IELTS exam, both for academic and for general purposes. It is self-paced and we offer weekly live sessions to discuss the course materials and answer any question you may have. There are no assignments in this course, just a short end-of-course quiz which you need to submit, together with your course feedback.
Qualification Overview
Self-study Hours 60 Hours
Units 5
Assignments 0
Course Fee £100

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Study this Diploma as an intensive course with a Regional Provider
The following Regional Partners offer this course as an intensive group option.